About me

As a PhD student in Computer Science, my interests include the computational aspects of operations research, applying integer programming to design efficient optimization algorithms for last-mile logistics under congestion. Being a teaching assistant is also an important part of my life as helping with the propagation of knowledge in a dedicated manner is essential to creating good teams and environments.


Teaching Assistant

2013 - Present
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

Teaching assistant at the Computer Science degree from the University of Buenos Aires. My responsibilities include giving lessons, answering student questions, and helping with the creation and correction of the class projects and exams.

Student reviews: http://encuestas_finales.exactas.uba.ar/doc/d13860.html

Research Assistant

Oct 2016 - Mar 2018
University Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires

My work here includes both engineering and research. On the research part, I work on some variants of the classical vehicle routing problems, such as VRP and TSP. Particularly, the focus of my work is on the time-dependent variant, where edges have different travel times depending on the moment when they are traversed. On the engineering side, I work on a platform to unify and integrate all the different instances, solutions, experimentation results. The aim is to make the experimentation process faster.

Software Engineer Intern

Jul 2016 - Sep 2016
Facebook, London

Worked on the Local Awareness Ads team, interacting with designers and product managers to bring to life two end-to-end features for Facebook iOS app. This work involved interacting with people based in different offices as well working on back-end, front-end and mobile code.

Software Engineer Intern

Jan 2016 - Mar 2016
Microsoft, Redmond

Worked on Microsoft Dynamics, on the Project Service area, helping with front-end tasks such as content internationalisation: multiple languages, right to left information displaying, etc; simplifying user interactions: reducing the number of windows opened, adapting the UI to different screen sizes; and more.

SDET Intern

Jan 2014 - Mar 2014
Microsoft, Redmond

Designed and developed a tool for performance measuring and error detection on SQL Azure VMs. I managed to discover which actions took the most time and caused the biggest impact on the users, leading to my team knowing where to spend time improving.


2007 - 2014
Lecosoft, Buenos Aires

Planning, developing and experimenting were some of my jobs here in Lecosoft. Blending the power of science with the haste and troubles demanded by the world of business.


Google Research Awards for Latin America (2019) - Our project 'Routing problems under congestion: algorithms, efficient implementations and real data' was selected as a winner of the award granted by Google to support research institutions and PhD students.
Hackathon Smartphone Challenge - First place (2015) - Developed an iOS app to improve the operations of one of the biggest newspaper delivery companies in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


  • A branch and cut algorithm for the time-dependent profitable tour problem with resource constraints
  • Lera-Romero G., Miranda-Bront J.J.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 2019
  • Integer programming formulations for the time-dependent elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints
  • Lera-Romero G., Miranda-Bront J.J.
    Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 69, August 2018, Pages 53-60

    Skills & Proficiency

    C++ & C#

    Javascript & HTML & CSS




    Ruby & Smalltalk